Cage and friends via Wikipedia
This week, 40 musicians representing the old guard (Billy Bragg, Orbital) and the new (the Kooks, Guillemots) entered a London studio and did not play their instruments in a performance of John Cage’s famous silent composition, 4’33’’.
I've known about this for awhile and haven't felt compelled to mention it. I'm not sure why I don't particularly care, given this is the great publicity for what is of course Cage's greatest work. On an Overgrown Path suggests it is time to give John Cage a rest.
I did join the Cage Against the Machine Facebook group awhile back. Maybe I'm just burned out on Facebook hype. I do know I am enjoying twitter more than ever, including the feature where you can easily play tweets that reference Rdio.
As far as actual John Cage music, I've listened to more of it this year than ever so maybe I'm just more interested in content rather than promotion at this point.