The econoblogs call him Professor Krugman; in a similar sign of respect, I will henceforth use the term "Professor Gann" in my blogging, although "Doctor Gann" also has a nice ring to it.
FoeWeel !!! ??? on the group TV on the Radio: These guys are making important music. I hate to say this, but they are the American version of Radiohead. I'm sorry I also missed Hot Chip this weekend on Treasure Island.
Tertium Quid is the most vivid music on the latest CD from The Wire magazine. Although it lacks Early Disturbance from said CD, their MySpace page does list what they sound like -- music, chaos, order, improv, environment -- and their influences, including Minimalism and Fred Frith.
Mark Adamo blogs about a Steve Reich concert: M18M, strangely, reminded me of Bernstein’s Prelude, Fugue and Riffs, with which it shares almost nothing.
A reasonable Q&A on the financial crisis, investment banks etc.
Jazz & Blues Music Reviews: Ok, I admit I didn't exactly know Kokomo Arnold was a guitarist although I have been listening to Cannonball Adderley since the seventies.
John Schaefer: I guess, in the end, if the composer says it’s opera, it’s opera. The real question is, who is it for?
aworks links, quotes and comments of the day :: 080922 /retreating from the real world/
m18m by stevehuang7 via Flickr
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Tags: Kokomo Arnold, Steve Reich, United States
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