Image by dou_ble_you via Flickr
- John McLaughlin. Miles Davis
- The Blessing. John Coltrane and Don Cherry
- Legions (War). Zoe Keating
- Mnemonics III. Pauline Oliveros
- Symphony No. 2. Paul Creston aka Giuseppe Guttoveggio
The song John McLaughlin from Bitches Brew features the playing of guitarist John McLaughlin.
I have been listening to the music of Paul Creston this week. The only thing I can think of is to link to Walter Simmons' writings on the composer including this particular quote:
Considered in its entirety, Creston’s musical output suffers from considerable unevenness in quality. Like other composers who prided themselves on their own uniqueness of approach, he became hermetically impervious to outside influences, his creativity suffocating in a self-protective vacuum.