Henry Flynt via last.fm
I continue listening to "music new even to me."
I might have vaguely associated the artist Henry Flynt with the 1960s Fluxus movement. But even Wikipedia has a disclaimer on that:Because of his friendship and collaboration with La Monte Young and George Maciunas, Flynt sometimes gets linked to Fluxus. While Flynt himself describes Fluxus as his "publisher of last resort" (Flynt did permit Fluxus to publish his work, and took part in several Fluxus exhibitions) he claims no affiliation or interest in the Fluxus sensibility.
last.fm tags for his Purified by the Fire, for violin include "drone, raga, just intonation, velvets, s y s l o v."
Prog Not Frog on the work:
Over the steady metallic drone of Hennix's tamboura Flynt weaves together Hindustani and Appalachian modes in a 40-minute improvisation. At the risk of over using a tired homily these really are two great tastes that taste great together. Bringing together the modal droniness of Appalachian folk music and classical Indian music in a completely unpretentious way"