Larry Polansky & ZWERM (fabonthemoon)
Larry Polansky: The World's Longest Melody [New World Records]
- Ensembles of Note. ZWERM is an electic guitar quartet from Belgium and The Netherlands. Larry Polansky is a composer, and was an undergrad at UC Santa Cruz.
- tooaytood. Less than two minutes in length, yet divided into many sections, I can't begin to understand this.
- for jim, ben and lou. "the percussionist retunes the strings to different just intonations as the piece progresses." Before, I said this music was even stranger than the music of Charlemagne Palestine. It's more stimulating than I remember, as well. #favorite
- ...getting rid of the glue..." "The title quotes the famous description of the music of Cage, Feldman, Brown and Wolff by Henry Cowell, who said that these composers were “getting rid of the glue” that connects sounds together"
- ivtoo
- World's Longest Melody. Complete with drum kit.
- Ontslaann (toontood). Larry Polansky is the fifth ZWERM on this recording. #favorite
- toovvivfor #favorite
- 34 Chords (Christian Wolff in Hanover and Royalton)
Underwater Princess Waltz: Collection of One-Page Pieces [New World Records]
- Gauss Cannon. Joel Ford #favorite
- Underwater Princess Waltz. Alvin Curran
- Her Waltzing with Her. Alvin Curran Another low-key track. #favorite.
- Mayhem (the hammer). Leo and Nick Didkovsky. This one is not low-key, however.
- Burdocks, Part VII. Christian Wolff
- tween (k-tood #2). Larry Polansky. #favorite
- Mayhem (the arrow). Leo and Nick Didkovsky
- round round down. Clinton McCallum
- The Red and White Cows. Daniel Goode. Interesting if a little mysterious. #favorite
- December 1952. Earle Brown. Intense and dense.
- Mayhem (the blade). Leo and Nick Didkovsky
- Tiime Goes By. Karl Berger
$100 Guitar Project [Bridge Records]
- 100$ pedalfast