Not to trivialize the message but I also thought Obama's pronunciation odd. And this post's commenters are didactic and funny. "Yes. There was a memo. But it referred to it as an 'alternative' pronunciation (not 'alternate')." +BBC/Coltrane ref
Is it a good or bad sign that the document that describes the notable changes is 2.1 MB? Wish me luck.
"BookLamp.org is a system for matching readers to books through an analysis of writing styles, similar to the way that Pandora.com matches music lovers to new music. Do you like Stephen King’s It, but thought it was too long? "
"I found the speech riveting, provocative, insightful, thoughtful and courageous -- courageous because it eschewed almost completely all cliches, pandering and condescension"
An alternative viewpoint...
'Ellison's narrator is a brilliant, compelling speaker who hires out his eloquence to an organization and pays heavily for finally speaking his own thoughts..."one, and yet many" '
"Marcelo Zarvos and Amy Kohn are not influenced by "the minimalist works of Philip Glass" - such a remark is laughable in its ignorance. " This got my attention but seems decisive/divisive.
"This is not the decisive decision of a leader, I think...Barack Obama is simply American." Dunno re: the first statement.
"This is a very old conception of the church...but one that won't make a lot of sense to those Americans who view church membership as an expression of consumer choice, and ...of the spiritual discrimination and good taste of the religious consumer."
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Your links are very useful.
Thank you for the classical piano music information.
Posted by: Steven Davies | April 04, 2008 at 09:11 AM