When one subscribes to too many blogs and feeds and seldom unsubscribes, one learns to ruthlessly organize. As a by-product of that organization, here are this month's top feeds.
- Red Black Window. Composer/professor Roger Bourland's tastes (and lifestyle) are somewhat different than mine but anyone with a "GRIFFES" license plate deserves to be read.
- PostClassic. Kyle Gann knows too much about American classical music, classical music, "downtown music", portable disk drives as music archives etc. I think he's also a native Texan but he maintains our intellectual interest, nonetheless.
- The Standing Room. Not as much about parking lately but still interesting and fun.
- Renewable Music. His music landmarks list is diverse and well-articulated as is his blog in general.
- Theatre of Found Sounds. Another sophisticated take on musical truth.
- Coolfer. Record industry news and links. I wish my industry had such an exceptional blog. Hmm.
- Kinderkuchen for the FBI. I share almost none of her operatic interests but I'll defend to the death her right to blog about it. Ok, maybe not to the death, but still...
- NewMusicBox. Feed here.
- Playbill Arts. Feed here.
- Sequenza21 news. Feed here.
Real American Life (or is it neo-American life?)
- Whiskey Bar. Billmon turned off the comments and then basically quit posting altogether. But he's back and powerful although his mordant humor sometimes annoys.
- reddit.com: what's new online. I try every feed aggregator around and this month, reddit was best.
- Ask Metafilter. Sometimes mundane but always at least one question of merit. And it's surprising how important the mundane is, or whatever.
- Daily Kos. Neo-American political view. The feed is better so you can avoid the idiots often found in the message boards.
- Bopnews. My best source for the interesection of the economic and political. Stirling Newberry is a composer, to boot.
- Talking Points Memo. Too "inside Washington" sometimes but was way ahead of the Social Security story last year.
- Metafilter. The linking brother of Ask Metafilter.
- The News Blog. Informed if sometimes raucous political commentary.
- Once Upon a Time. I may hope that Arthur Silber is wrong but his neo-American geopolitical insight may be avant-garde and ultimately true.
- Daily Dish. Andrew Sullivan's point of view is engaging if sometimes misguided.
Newly Subscribed
- Counterterrorism Blog. A counterterrorism blog of note.
- Bloglines blog search on "bitches brew". No link per se.
- Free Money Finance. Despite the title, the blog is substantive so far.
- Menlo Park, CA Weather from Weather Underground. Current local weather feed. For the first time in awhile, the weather was actually noticeable this month.
- On a Pacific Aisle. Critic Joshua Kosman's new blog. I probably learn more about the classical music world from his SF Chronicle reviews than anything else I read.
- Mystery Pollster. Technical blog on political polling.
- The Skeptical Optimist. The only blog with real-time updates of the Debt-to-GDP ratio...
- Uncyclopedia - Recent changes. "The content-free encyclopedia anyone can edit." Stupid and yet sometimes funny.
- "west texas intermediate" - Google News. A personal project where I'm tracking the price of oil. It if hits $106 a barrel, time to panic.
- 146 miles without a map. Some English bloke is recreating a historical walk.