Back from a long holiday weekend in Los Angeles, the car stereo offering the primary musical experience...
In this musical "snapshot," the Ethel CD provided music of contemporary string quartet. Specifically, John King's Sweet Hardwood is a strong, un-sentimental work with an American vitality, as heard in its three movements: Hard Wood, Spiritual, and Shuffle. Amazon samples.
Yesterday afternoon, listening to Sweet Hardwood, we drove down Sepulveda Boulevard, past the entrance to Bel Air, past the Getty Museum, and parallel to the big wall on the right that is the 405 freeway, Then. on the left, I noticed the Los Angeles National Cemetery, a large military cemetery for fallen soldiers of previous wars. The green lawn on the hillside had thousands of white grave markers; each soldier's marker with a small American flag for Memorial Day. Current politics aside, it is clear the significance this sacrifice represents.
I wouldn't presume to say what music might appropriately honor these military dead. However, I might suggest Sweet Hardwood as an appropriate tribute to the faithful American families seen visiting the grounds this holiday weekend.
Today is a day to acknowledge the 84,369 military people there in Los Angeles as well as those elsewhere who gave their lives. Wikipedia:
Memorial Day is a United States public holiday that takes place on the last Monday of May. It was formerly known as Decoration Day. This holiday commemorates US service men and women who died in military service to their country. It began first to honor those who died during the American Civil War. After World War I, it expanded to include those who died in any war or military action.